Infrastructure: Reality or Talking Point?
According to the American Road & Transportation Association’s (ARTBA) Transportation Investment Advocacy Center, in 18 states voters approved 94% of ballot initiatives, 303 out of 322, for transportation improvements that will pour an added $14 billion in one-time and recurring revenue into state coffers. Thirteen initiatives were still pending. That is the highest approval rate of public support for infrastructure in at least 20 years.
“More than ever before, these results prove that improving transportation infrastructure is something American voters strongly support,” said Alison Black, ARTBA senior vice president and chief economist.
And yet it can still be difficult for many of us to remain optimistic about the promise of this grand notion. For instance, this topic has received bipartisan support for over a decade. In both the 2016 and 2018 midterms, the majority of voters showed clear support for the topic. Yet no progress has been made, even with the pitch of infrastructure as a means to bring back American jobs. In 2020 every politician running for office again talked about infrastructure. Only time will tell if anything comes of the promises.
All I’m saying here is that this is something that makes sense now more than ever, for many reasons. But that doesn’t mean it will happen.
There are more articles on the web and in trade mags almost every day. Keep your eyes open and your expectations at bay. Here are a few to take a look at:
Is an infrastructure boom in the works?
AEM leaders optimistic about a 2021 infrastructure bill
Buttigieg: ‘The time is now’ for major infrastructure initiative